In Hainan (China), the city of Tanmen has developed a US$ 400 million/year shell-craft industry based on old giant-clam shells (T.Gigas & Derasa) recovered by fishermen from the seabed of the South China Sea and left there several decades ago by poachers harvesting these clams for their adductor muscle destined to the Taiwan seafood market. These discarded shells are now converted into the most exquisite hand-crafts ever seen.
The 500 retail shops and 100 small factories servicing this amazing industry are relying on an enormous stockpile of shells collected over the last 10 years, but this resource is now practically exhausted and the long-term survival of tens of thousands of workers will be depending on Hainan starting their own aquaculture of giant clams.
In early April 2016, the representatives of the Hainan shell-craft industry, the seafood industry and the Government research station held a seminar about how to start the artificial propagation of giant clams. Because brood-stock of the larger species is not available anymore in Hainan waters, it was decided that seed-clams would first be imported from our new hatchery once we have found a new suitable location.
For inquiries about technology transfer, please contact Phildor@tmdc.info
See here this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1jFAExKE7U